

Nurse Practitioner Available ( Appointment required)

*Medical information and records are strictly 保密. Information or records are not released to College officials, friends, or family members without the student's permission.

  • 眼睛过敏
  • 耳朵疼
  • 荨麻疹 & 皮疹
  • Stomach ache/pain
  • Urinary tract infections (UTI) test
  • 鼻窦炎
  • 阴道炎
  • 性传播疾病
  • 呕吐 & 腹泻
  • 流感/喉炎的症状
  • All Over- the- Counter Medications
  • COVID测试
  • 避孕套
  • 准备
  • General First Aid
  • 推荐
  • 重量检查
  • Blood Pressure Checks
  • Blood Glucose Monitoring
  • 伤口护理

Rapid HIV Testing

Call Student 卫生服务 at (662-621-4197).


  • The CDC recommends that everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 get tested for HIV at least once as part of routine health care.
  • Knowing your HIV status gives you powerful information to help you take steps to keep you and your partner healthy.
  • ONLY 20 minutes for your results!

性 Assault 支持服务

We are proud to be a partner with the Office of Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP). Student Health offers comprehensive and compassionate services for survivors of sexual assault by experienced staff. Our Campus Nurse is a SANE-trained nurse. 性 Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) are registered nurses who have completed specialized education and clinical preparation in the medical forensic care of a patient who has experienced sexual assault or abuse.

What to expect if you seek our services:

  • Confidentiality is of utmost importance. This is a safe environment. 你的隐私 and well-being are our number one priority.
  • There is NO requirement to report to UPD or have forensic evidence collected. 然而, declining this greatly handicaps future legal recourse
  • If you choose to have forensic evidence collected:
    • You will undergo a Physical exam, forensic evidence collection, and lab evaluation including STI screening, appropriate prescription medications, and counseling
    • All medical services are provided at no charge to the survivor. There may be a cost to certain medications prescribed for prophylaxis
  • If you choose NOT to have forensic evidence collected:
    • You will undergo a screening and receive treatment. Normal charges for labs and meds 应用. If cost is a concern, we will work with you so that it is not a barrier.
  • We collaborate with UPD, UCC, and Title IX but will only do so per survivors wishes

When should the exam and treatment occur?

  • Exam and treatment should occur ASAP after the assault – within 72-96 hours
    • If wanting to collect forensic evidence, this improves the quality of evidence and effectiveness of medications (Plan B, PEP, etc.)

How should I prepare for my visit?

  • Evidence quality is improved if survivor does not shower, change clothes or brush teeth before exam. Bring assault clothing for evidence submission if one has already 改变了.

What if Student Health is closed?

  • Student Health operates Monday – Friday 8a – 5p and closes on Thursdays at 4p. 浸信会 Memorial Hospital – North MS emergency department is the best option after hours.
  • It is highly recommended that you contact VIP at their support helpline: 662-816-5377


We provide comprehensive health care addressing the needs and concerns of women. 服务 include but are not limited to:

  • 巴氏涂片
  • 推荐 to gynecologists when indicated for management of abnormal pap smears
  • Treatment for menstrual irregularity
  • Testing, treatment, and information about genital infections and sexually transmitted 疾病
  • Counseling on sexual activity and decision-making for good health and wellness
  • Information on methods of birth control
  • Pregnancy testing, counseling and referrals
  • Emergency Contraception
  • 计划生育


Student 卫生服务 provides the following services for men. 所有服务均为 completely 保密, and no appointment is required but are encouraged.

  • Health education and counseling related specifically to men’s issues
  • 性ly transmitted disease testing, counseling, treatment and education


Contact Campus Nurse for more details:

*Excuses will be issued for medical emergencies only. You should plan your non-emergency visits during your free period. When you report to the health center, it is assumed that you are not missing a class.


Hours of Operation: Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m